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Peer learning activity in Germany

SIRIUS’ second Peer Learning Activity took place on 12-13 July in Germany. The study visit, promoted by the European Forum for Migration Studies, was attended by a delegation of 14 participants representing SIRIUS’ national partners from the Netherlands and Lithuania as well as representatives of EU platforms and experts part of the network.

The study visit was a key opportunity to reflect on the “Evaluation of teaching all key competences for newcomer pupils: from assessment of prior learning and welcome classes to the different transitional arrangements into mainstream classroom and support”. The topic responded to visiting partners’ reform priorities in their countries. The study visit presented the good practice from diverse perspectives of practitioners, policymakers and researchers. The visiting teams had access to the implementing practitioners and to the beneficiaries of the practice: on-site visit to schools, interviews with teachers, students and school leaders were the key sections in the agenda.

The objective of the activity was twofold: success factors and barriers for the effective implementation of the German practice have been identified and inputs provided to the hosting country on how to improve their practice. On the other hand, a set of recommendations have been developed and addressed to the visiting countries on how to adopt the practice to their educational systems and potentially replicate it.

Find out more about the activity HERE