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EU-level policy workshop

SIRIUS’ European-level policy workshop aimed at producing inclusive policy making in the area of migrant education, by engaging policy makers in inclusive debates with practitioners and researchers. More specifically, the objective of the workshop was to present and discuss with national policy makers the outcomes of the SIRIUS Watch, our flagship research action focussing this year on the “Role of non-formal education in migrant and refugee inclusion and its link with schools”, as well as of key learnings from the 17 National Round Tables and the 2 Peer Learning Activities SIRIUS has organised in 2018. The policy workshop also gathered feedback from national policy-makers on the current policy priorities in their countries, as well as knowledge gaps, filling which are necessary to support successful policy reform on migrant education at the national level. In addition, the workshop was a good opportunity to promote discussions and collaboration between education authorities across Europe in the area of inclusive education, as well as provide feedback on the potential SIRIUS priorities and activities in the years ahead to best feed and help on-going and future policy reforms.