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Country brief

Country name: Spain 
Please estimate the number of children in school (age 3-19) in your country:  

8 294 270

Please estimate the number of school drop-outs in your country in the school year 2019/2020: 

Please estimate the average number of school drop-outs per year in the 5 school years previous to school year 2019/2020? 

Did National exams or evaluation methods take place in academic year 2019/2020? And if so, for which levels? 

Only some (please name) – Every region schedules a specific calendar for National exams and evaluation methods. For compulsory education (12-year assessment, 16-year assessment), only the exams before March 2020 took place. Example Catalonia: the 16-year assessment was done because it was scheduled in February, however the 12-year assessment did not take place as primary schools were under the general lockdown. The single National exam that took place in July 2020 was the National exam of access to the university.

If national exams or evaluation methods did not take place, what is the replacement solution? 

If schools resumed before the summer of 2020, were any particular year groups or other groups identified to have more contact, if so which? 

Before summer 2020, only the groups that were ending a educational stage were allowed to return to school: 12 years old groups (end of primary education), 16 years old (end of lower-secondary education) and 18 years old (end of post-compulsory education before the access to university).

When school resumed in the Autumn of 2020, were any particular year groups or other groups identified to have more contact, if so which?

With the reopening of schools for the academic year 2020-2021 (September 2020), three educationa stages were prioritised to come back to school: pre-school, primary and lower-secondary. Post-compulsory education stages are attending hybrid and/or partial courses.

Access to education 

What were the primary modes of learning implemented during the Covid-19 School closures?

Were the above measures put into place at a policy (national or regional level) or by schools and teachers?
  • Policy (national or regional) level
Please estimate Number or percentage of children in school (age 3-19) with access to: 
  • high-speed internet – 91.4% 
  • basic internet – N/A
  • TV – 99.1% 
  • Radio – 69.2% 
  • Computer, tablet or smart phone they could use during the day – 80.9%
What translation/interpretation resources/services are/were made available online for students and families from regional or national level? 

What special or exceptional learning need supports are/were made available online for students and families from regional or national level? 

The Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training set up an online Platform with resources to support online teaching and learning:

Note: Extra info on Spanish drop out rates