SIRIUS – Policy Network on Migrant Education
“SIRIUS – Policy Network on Migrant Education” brings together key stakeholders in migration and education from around Europe, including policy makers, researchers, practitioners and representatives of migrant communities.
SIRIUS transfers knowledge and influences policy developments in order to help pupils from a migrant background achieve the same educational standards as their native peers.

Our Latest Projects
Read about Our Latest Projects
SIRIUS 3.0 PLA Barcelona: Youth- intercultural education and prevention of discrimination.
SIRIUS 3.0 PLA Estonia: Integrating Formal and Non-Formal Education to Support Migrant Learners
How do you work with other policy advocacy stakeholders?
Right to education for unaccompanied and separated refugee and migrant children in the EU - A closer look at the ECRE Policy Note on the Right to Education for Asylum Seekers
Young Migrants Can Achieve Change - Policy recommendations report
Searching for Consultant - Environmental and Green Expert
SIRIUS attends OECD Policy Forum
Refugees Mental Health
Home Languages on International Mother-tongue Language Day!
European Parliament Elections and SIRIUS – what is the relation?
Our News
SUN training in Barcelona- Report
SOLiDi Final Conference: Solidarity in diversity
SUN Newsletter July 2024!
SIRIUS 3.0 SIRIUS WATCH Report 2024- Towards Better Data for Migrant Education: A Mapping of Data Availability in 14 EU Member States
SUN Training needs and best practices infographics: Education
Training needs analysis and good practices report on Safeguarding unaccompanied and separated refugee and migrant children's rights through the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
KidLe Newsletter!
SUN Project January Newsletter!
SIRIUS at the SOLIDI Training Workshop- Research and policy change in inclusive education
Right to education for unaccompanied and separated refugee and migrant children in the EU - A closer look at the ECRE Policy Note on the Right to Education for Asylum Seekers
Upcoming Events
About Us
“SIRIUS – Policy Network on Migrant Education” brings together key stakeholders in migration and education from around Europe, including policy makers, researchers, practitioners and representatives of migrant communities.
SIRIUS transfers knowledge and influences policy developments in order to help pupils from a migrant background achieve the same educational standards as their native peers.
What is Sirius
Our Mission
Our Vision
SIRIUS is a membership-based organisation that promotes the social inclusion of children and young people with migrant background by fostering their effective access to the universal right to education.
Our vision is a world where the universal right to education is fully implemented and discrimination at all levels of the educational system is eradicated. We strive for pupils from a migrant background to achieve the same educational standards as their native peers.