Sara Sow Linares - Policy and Projects Officer
Jelena Lukić - Finance consultant
Jelena is an engineer who immediately after finishing her studies realized that she loves finances. She has 20 years of experience working in the non-profit sector. Jelena has excellent organizational skills gained by working on various projects funded by EU programs and likes to pass on her experience and knowledge to others. She likes to use her engineering logic to create excel spreadsheets that make life easier.
Nafisa Yeasmin
Dr. Yeasmin is the Academic of the Year in Finland 2019. She is an Adjunct Professor at the Tampere University, and a visiting faculty member at the Faculty of social sciences in the University of Lapland, Finland. She is leading the UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Migration. Her research interests are sustainable entrepreneurship development, the socio-economic integration of immigrants in the Arctic, regional development, community sustainability, social inclusion, migration governance, human rights, gender equality, etc. Recent interest in the well-being of immigrant youth and integrated education. She is an expert member of the Arctic Immigrant Association in Finland. She is an elected member of the Interim Board, in the SIRIUS-policy network.
Tomislav Tudjman
Tom (MA Public Administration) works as a Project Manager and Researcher at Risbo, a research, consultancy and training institute of the Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands. His expertise lies in the following fields: Social Inclusion, Integration, Migration (including Refugee issues), Educational Network Governance and Professional Capital of school professionals in primary and secondary education in both national and international studies. As a Project Officer and Peer Reviewer he has been working on various European Projects. Between 2005 and 2008 he worked on a project between Germany and the Netherlands titled: Social cohesion and integration in complex urban societies (SIS-project). In 2008 and 2009 he participated in Connections which focused on organizational approaches to tackling multiple deprivations in eight European cities. He also worked on building a Peer Review Toolkit for the Connections project and had worked on an educational Peer Review Toolkit for a European Project called Evidence based policy in education about early school leavers. Since 2012 he started working for SIRIUS. He was also a project officer in the European Literacy Network (ELINET) a large network of 80 organisations for EU member state countries. Today he is the General Manager of two Erasmus+ projects called NAOS and AVIOR.
Lana Jurko
Lana is an Executive Director of the Network of Education Policy Centers since 2005. She has over fifteen years’ experience in education policy analyses, research and advocacy in national, regional and international contexts. The specific areas of her expertise include participatory policymaking, education policy development, inclusive and democratic school polices and democratic governance of schools. As an Executive Director of the international network of organizations, she particularly engaged in education policy analyses, research and advocacy. Professionally and personally, Lana is dedicated to building equitable and sustainable societies worldwide, recognising education as the most powerful tool at our collective disposal.