SIRIUS 3.0 Project – Impactful and sustainable policy change for migrant education

The SIRIUS 3.0 – Impactful and sustainable policy change for migrant education action aims to promote cooperation between different stakeholders, support inclusive policy development and implementation at different governance levels, and facilitate the inclusion of migrant children in and through education.

The main objective of the action is to contribute to inclusive evidence-based policy-making and collaboration through:

• Analysing and co-creating knowledge on the main challenges and policy approaches for inclusive education;

• Identifying, sharing and promoting good policy practice and stimulating innovation and mainstreaming in policy development, experimentation and implementation;

• Disseminating results more widely and in policy-friendly formats.


The above stated objectives will be achieved by the implementation of the following activities:

• SIRIUS Watch: monitoring the most significant changes in policy, implementation and knowledge for ensuring inclusive education environments.

• Spaces for Change: entailing tailored support and training for each network member on how to catalyse change in their own environment.

• Peer-learning Activities: promoting transnational learning between various types of stakeholders.

• Dissemination focusing on numerous audiences including policy-makers.


Considering the long-term impact of the project and network, ultimate beneficiaries can be estimated at above 100.000 (including atier the project has been completed):

• Direct beneficiaries are policy-makers, MoE: 27+

• Local and municipal authorities: 30+

• Local NGO’s, service providers, teachers, schools, teacher training authorities, universities: 68

• Teachers and higher education students through the journal: 500+

• Academics through Journal: 500+

The Network gathers 31 partners representing 17 countries (EU Member States + Iceland): 24 are full members (including the coordinator); 7 are associated organisations. They cover a range of various stakeholders: Networks (5) CSOs/Think thanks (8), Universities/Research institutes (13) from Western, Southern, Central, Eastern and Northern Europe and Ministries and Municipalities (6) from Southern, Eastern, Central and Northern Europe. This ensures Network has the expertise onboard to pursue the research but also cross-fertilize our work and engage in sharing across stakeholders.


SIRUS Watch 2024