Active Projects

Lead Partner: Universitàt degli Studi di Torino
KIDS4ALLL aims to implement a pilot action that will experiment a learning method and learning environment in formal, non-formal and informal educational contexts to address the integration challenges of migrant children.
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ENABLing School Integration of migrant and refugee children through social and Emotional learning interventions to address psychosocial trauma
Lead Partner: Pistes Solidaires
ENABLE’s key objective is to promote the social and emotional development of Migrant, Refugee and Displaced Children (MRDC) through culturally sensitive, school-based interventions designed to deal with the negative effects of psychosocial trauma. The project’s specific objectives are to:
- enhance the capacity of primary & secondary schools to effectively deal with cases of psychological trauma by developing first-level treatment and response mechanisms, protocols and tools
- build the capacity of primary & secondary education teachers to stimulate the social and emotional development of MRDC in the school environment
- raise the awareness of educational institutions, relevant stakeholders and decision makers about the= importance of strengthening their policy framework on psychosocial trauma treatment for MRDC.
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Safeguarding Unaccompanied and Separated Children's Rights through the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
The SUN project focuses on the use of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights as an effective legal instrument to promote and protect the rights of unaccompanied and separated refugee and migrant children (UASCs) on the EU territory. UASCs are a particularly vulnerable group due to their age, displacement and lack of a caring adult, and are at an increased risk of rights breaches and abuse. The aim of the project is to safeguard the rights of UASCs through the CFREU by fostering the transnational exchange of knowledge and good practices, training of practitioners and dissemination and awareness raising.
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SIRIUS 3.0 – Policy Network on Migrant Education aims to promote co-operation between different stakeholders, support inclusive policy development and implementation at different governance levels and facilitate the inclusion of children and young people with a migrant background in and through education in the context of the European Education Area. In doing so, SIRIUS 3.0 will build up on the results of SIRIUS 2.0 (2018 – 2022) and SIRIUS 1.0 (2012 – 2015).
Ended Projects

Start the Change
Lead Partner: FSO – Forum for Freedom in Education
The key focus of all clusters of the START THE CHANGE project is the promotion of the student voice and participation as a growing number of researchers claim that it supports opening up spaces and capacities for marginalized youth to play key roles in positive changes in school and learning spaces, support more socially just school environments and ensure that disenfranchised youth are included in decision-making processes and foster positive youth development around agency and civic engagement.
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Lead partner: Universidad Pablo de Olavide
PICELS is an Erasmus+ project that aims to promote inclusive intercultural pedagogies and practices for student engagement. PICELS innovation is that it brings together teachers and researchers on an equal footing with both teams collaborating and participating in a project to further the cause of early school leaving. The essential feedback and experience of teachers is put within an established academic framework that allows the project to produce two essential outputs. Firstly a pan-European mapping of successful intercultural and inclusive practices in the classroom, which includes a set of indicators with which teachers can evaluate their own practices in the classroom. Secondly, a teacher training guide based on the above-identified effective practices. In addition to these outputs, teachers trainings and other events to highlight our work will take place over the next two years.
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YMCAC - Young Migrants Can Achieve Change
Lead Partner: SIRIUS Policy Network on Migrant Education
YMCAC aims at training young migrants living in Europe on creating advocacy campaigns to claim their rights and be active citizens besides the fact of not being able to vote for the #EPElections2024.
Co-funded by the European Parliament