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European Parliament Elections and SIRIUS – what is the relation?

You may noticed a lot on our social media feed about the European Elections in 2024…and wondered what the connection between our work and the elections are? Well, as the elections approach, and the European Parliament is starting to kick-out with some grants, projects and later with a campaign to be actively involved as a citizen. SIRIUS Network got the opportunity to be part of the first round of grants, focused on the European Year of Youth 2022. This project’s objective is to give a voice to young migrants and refugees, to participate in the democratic process, to speak up about their needs and rights, even though they can’t always vote (in their majority).

And, how does this relate to SIRIUS work? Whatever happens in the next European Parliament Elections will directly affect migrant education policies, how inclusive they would be and how those young people are going to be educated. SIRIUS can have a say on this, involving young migrants, giving them the chance to speak up in front of politicians, to ask what they want, what they need, to give them the voice that they normally don’t have.

With SIRIUS influence in the EU landscape, we are change makers, and we can help those young people to become change makers as well and have a say. Working together we hope to elevate their voices and empower them to make changes in their communities. We stand for inclusion, for quality education and for that, we need to play an active role for the next campaign on the European Elections 2024.

Advocate for inclusive education policies, and ask Members of the European Parliament to add it into their agendas, to be present, that’s a role we want to play to make our work relevant, and visible, and, most importantly, to improve the lives of all those young migrants and refugees.